Where To Meet a Good Man? (List of 16 Great Places)

You’ve heard it said: “All the good men are already taken.” But listen! That’s just not true! There are plenty of good men out there, you just need to know where to find them!

If you’re tired of bar games and players, this article is for you. In this guide, we’ll tell you:

  • Where to meet a good man
  • Where to find men who have similar interests to yours
  • How to meet men that aren’t just interested in a fling

Are you ready to meet a good man who’s ready for a relationship, and not just a one night stand? Here’s what you need to do to meet men who are ideal for you.

But first…

Before you begin to search for a good man, you need to determine what that means… to you! Some people may be looking for a man who’s down to earth. Others see a “good man” as someone who’s devoutly religious. Still others may view a “good man” as someone who is a daredevil, a community servant or a moneymaker.

Define what “good man” means to you, and that will give you the initial clues as to where you’re going to find him. If you’re looking for a religious man, there’s very little chance you’re going to find him at a metal concert or a bar. Looking for someone who cares about the environment? You’re going to need to go to a place where his “type” frequents or visits occasionally.

This guide will help you! But you need to do a bit of preliminary work. Make a list of a few personality traits you’re looking for in a man, and let that list serve as your compass as you read through your guide. After all, there’s a perfect person out there for everyone, and one woman’s (or man’s) bad boy is another’s good man.

  • Before you begin your search for a good man, figure out what that term means to you
  • There’s a man out there for everyone – knowing where to look is half the battle
  • Make a list of personality traits you seek in a man to make your search easier

And now…

Are you ready to begin your search for a good man to call your partner? Here’s how to find a good man, and where you’ll have the best chance to meet him.

1. Online, on dating websites.

Let’s face it: not everyone has time to get out an about. And some people are just plain shy! Why not take your search for a good man to the internet and see who you can meet and match with?

There are so many online dating sites it’s unbelievable. There are sites catering to rich people, to country people, to religious people, to the LGBTQ community and more. To find a good man, you may simply need to log in to your favorite dating website.

Before you begin scrolling through your potential matches, do be sure you’ve set up your own, complete profile. Your future knight in shining armor isn’t likely to connect with you if your profile picture is an avatar and you have no information about yourself non the site.

Be yourself, share your interests and be sure your profile is complete. Then, search for the perfect man online – it’s so much less stressful than the bar scene or a blind date!

  • Millions of people use the internet to find a match, and it’s quite possible to find a good man just by swiping right!
  • Be sure your profile is complete… he’s not going to connect with you if you’re an avatar and have no information about yourself.
  • Online dating is oh-so-easy. Just create a profile, then start scrolling and connecting!

2. At charity events.

If your definition of a “good man” is someone who cares about global awareness, social consciousness and environmental friendliness, then attend a charity event! All around the world, non-profits and other organizations host events that aren’t just invite-only; anyone can come. Choose a charity you’re passionate about, then see what they’ve got going on.

There’s a good chance the good man you’ve been looking for will go to a charity event; why not take the chance and go find out! As an added bonus, you’ll know you have similar interests and passions.

  • Choose a charity you’re passionate and attend a fundraising event.
  • Many events allow the public to attend, and are not invite-only.
  • When you choose a charity you love, you and the good men you meet will have common ground.

3. At networking events.

It’s true: it’s never really a great idea to date within the office. That can lead to a lot of sticky situations, including gossip, workplace jealousy, office favoritism and more. Additionally, if it doesn’t work out between you two, what then? Do you have to quit your job?

Rather than find a good man in your own office, look to networking events. Whether you work as an RN nurse or an IT security professional, you’re going to have plenty of opportunity to meet and greet others in your industry. These may be networking events you already attend or they might be a little more outside the box, like a “Single Medical Professionals” event.

  • Try to avoid dating within your own office environment – sometimes it just doesn’t end well.
  • Networking events are out there – you’ve probably already been to a few!
  • If you find the traditional meet and greet networking events, try to research an event that’s unique to your taste.

4. Through your friends.

Very few people know you better than your friends do. So who out there can set you up with a good man better than they can? They know your style, and they certainly won’t want to match you up with someone they don’t like, or who will hurt you.

Put the word out that you’re single and available – and looking for a good man to begin a relationship with. Then, sit back and watch as the recommendations and blind dates come rolling in! Just remember – dating friends of friends can be awkward if the relationship doesn’t work out, or you find he’s just not your type. Use caution and always be graceful and kind.

  • Your friends know you best – ask them for dating recommendations.
  • Your buddies have your back, and won’t set you up with someone cringeworthy.
  • Be kind to your blind date, even if it doesn’t work out you don’t want it to be awkward.

5. Your church or religious (or spiritual) organization.

If your idea of a good man is one who holds the same spiritual beliefs as you, simply go to the source – your religious organization. Whether you’re Jewish, Muslim, Baptist or even Buddhist, there’s a place where the man who subscribes to your spiritual way of thinking is going to be hanging out.

Don’t just settle for attending services, though. Get involved. Go to the group picnic, the weekend retreats and the community events. After all, you’re not going to meet anyone while you’re meditating or listening to a preacher talk. Get out there and show your lovely face – the good men of your group are going to notice!

  • A good man may be one who shares your spiritual beliefs.
  • Don’t settle for just attending services, but be sure to also participate in outings and events.
  • No matter your religion or spiritual belief, there’s an organization out there where you’ll be able to find a good man.

6. At school.

As a teenager, you were easily able to identify the boys you liked because you were surrounded by them every day. You knew what they were like with friends and how they treated others. You have an idea of their values and their interests.

But now you’re all grown up. You don’t have all those fish in the sea to choose from anymore. Or do you? There’s nothing saying you can’t enroll in a community college class and meet a few good men. After all, the men in your class are, like you, trying to better their lives and learn. What could be better than that?!

  • You’re not in high school anymore, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go to school.
  • The men in your college course are looking to better their lives.
  • Those men likely share similar interests to you, too, provided you take a course you’re interested in.

7. At a convention.

It seems that these days there’s a convention for everything. You’ll find conventions for fans of romance, conventions for fans of sci-fi, conventions for people in particular industries and even conventions for things like celebrity lookalikes and flintknappers. If you have an interest, there’s a good chance there’s a convention out there for it.

Pack your bags and head to London, Vegas or wherever your next convention is held. Then, introduce yourself to more than a few good men. If you’re lucky, you’ll meet someone staying at the same hotel with you and late night drinks at the hotel bar are a real possibility.

  • Conventions are fun ways to interact with people who share your interests, however bizarre.
  • There are conventions held all over the world – just look online!
  • Plan to spend a few days; staying overnight at a convention is a good way to connect with a good man after a busy day.

8. At the bar.

Yes, you heard correctly. You can meet a good man at the bar. It’s just going to make a difference which bar you go to. Rowdy, loud bars that attract people who drink too much aren’t a great bet. (Though we can’t rule out dive bars entirely.) Instead, visit your local sports pub or wine bar and see who you bump into. Good men do go to bars, you’ve just got to know where to go.

One of the reasons bars are so great is because there’s plenty to keep you distracted. A game of darts or pool, or your favorite team scoring the winning goal are great conversation starters. If you meet someone you’re interested but it turns out to be a flop, all you’ve got to do is find another stool.

  • There’s nothing wrong with meeting a good man at the bar.
  • Bars are busy enough so that you won’t feel pressured to have conversation.
  • Steer clear of noisy, rowdy bars and head to the sports pub or martini bar.

9. At the dog park.

The neighborhood dog park is a great place to go to meet a good man. Leash up your dog, walk to the park, then play to your heart’s content. On a bad day, you and your best friend will have a blast. On a good day, you and your dog will meet a good man with a good dog.

You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats his pup. Gentle words, laughter and energy are three examples of what you might notice as your potential mate plays with his friend. If a man is kind to animals, he’s probably going to be kind to you, too.

  • Fellow dog lovers can be found playing at the dog park.
  • You can learn a lot about someone’s personality by the way they treat animals.
  • Even if there’s no prospective partner at the park today, you still had fun with Rover!

10. Structured dinner dates.

All around the world, single people are jumping on the dinner date bandwagon. You don’t need to have a ton of rich friends to go to a dinner date. All you have to do is register online.

Dating companies and services organize dinners for single people (and couples, too) where you can go, meet new people, sip wine and just relax. You’ll find a few couples there, but they’ll make themselves obviously known. You’re also going to notice a few single guys – good men who just don’t have time (or know how) to look for a good partner.

Check online and see what’s available in your area, then dress your best and get ready to meet new faces. You’ll likely meet a few new girlfriends, too!

  • You don’t have to be invited to a dinner date to go.
  • Dinner dates are organized by businesses, just register and go!
  • You’ll not only be likely to meet a good man, but a few new besties, too.

11. At the gym.

You don’t want to be that person, the person who’s stalking a man as he moves from station to station. However, it’s perfectly okay to strike up a conversation with a man who catches your eye. Be sure he’s not in the zone, as no one wants to be interrupted as they clear the 11th mile on the treadmill. But if he’s just wiping down his bench, go say hi!

If you’re feeling particularly coy, ask him how to use a machine, or to show you the his favorite way to stretch his hamstrings. And for goodness sake, don’t forget to wear deodorant! Then, if all goes well, join him at the smoothie bar for a shake and a chat.

  • Don’t be creepy while you look for a good man at the gym.
  • It’s okay to approach a guy as he’s between stations or exercises, but not by interrupting him.
  • Be sure you’re presenting yourself well – sweaty is okay, stinky is not!

12. At a book signing or autograph event.

Love to read? There are plenty of good men out there who also love to snuggle up with a good book and some coffee or a glass of wine. Why not find out when your favorite author is going to be in town, and take a trip to the bookstore?

Lines for book signings are usually long, and they’re generally accompanied by a book reading. The same is true for autograph events – whether it’s an actor or a musician, there tends to be a lot of chaos in the crowd.

Strike up a conversation with the man behind or in front of you in line, and see what you’ve got in common. But, please be sure you’ve read the book, heard the song or seen the show before you do to avoid embarrassing both of you.

  • Lines to get autographs are long and chaotic, making them a great opportunity to chat with a fellow fan.
  • Be sure you’ve read the book or seen the movie before you go!
  • By meeting a good man at a signing event, you can learn a lot about whether your tastes are similar.

13. In your sports league.

Obviously, if you’re a woman looking for a good man this won’t work if it’s not a co-ed league. If you’re a man looking for a man, then it doesn’t matter either way! But sports leagues are a great place to meet a partner, as you’ll already have a few things in common: your love of sport, healthy competitiveness, a measure of athleticism and the same team schedule.

Getting to know a man in your sports league is a fantastic way to grow closer to him. You’ll find yourself chatting between quarters or innings, guzzling Gatorade together and even traveling to away games together. Who knows, you may end up carpooling after a few games.

  • If you have an interest in sports, join a league where men play, too.
  • Women, you’ll have to find a co-ed league.
  • People who play in leagues together already share common interests, so it’s time to find out if you share more.

14. At community festivals.

Whether you live in Sydney or Smalltown, USA, there’s a very high probability that your local area hosts festivals or events throughout the year. The annual Christmas Parade, the summer regatta, the celebratory fireworks – you name it. Even the tiniest of towns host events like the “Strawberry Festival” or “Festival of Trees.”

Go! Put on your walking shoes and get ready to eat ice cream or drink cider and dance in the streets. Introduce yourself to men as you do, and you can meet a good man right in your hometown. The best part of it is that most of these little festivals are free to just go and have fun!

  • Most neighborhoods have community celebrations.
  • The men you meet at these events are usually local.
  • Festivals and events are held year round, so check with your city’s calendar.

15. On a group “adventure.”

In this case, you’ll choose your own adventure but will be somewhat limited depending upon what’s in your area. For instance, you can join a hiking, running or walking group pretty much anywhere in the world. But some places will have canoe tours, white water tours, skiing groups, horseback groups and much, much more. There are groups for mountain climbing, for bungee jumping, skydiving, safaris… pretty much anything you can think of.

Little gets the adrenaline going better than a good bit of adventure. And you’ll find that once your adrenaline is pumping, you’ll be more receptive to making eye contact and striking up a convo with that man you just noticed.

  • Adventure tours are available all around the world.
  • You don’t have to be an expert or daredevil – just a hiking tour will do!
  • Adrenaline is a great conversation starter!

16. Just go somewhere you’ll have fun.

You’ll look naturally more beautiful when you’re out there having fun. Whether live concerts in the park is your jam or you’d prefer to stretch out on the coffeeshop couch and people watch, you’re going to be in your element – and it’s going to show.

When you’re naturally relaxed, you’re approachable. But be sure you do the approaching, too. That guy in the corner with his newspaper might not want to be bothered. But the guy who’s just scrolling through Facebook on his tablet could probably engage in a nice conversation with you.

When you’re smiling, laughing and appear relaxed and confident, you’re bound to meet a good man. In some cases, you may not have to do any work at all!

  • You can meet a good man in the places you already go.
  • Be sure you appear approachable, not like you’d rather be left alone.
  • Your smile and relaxed manner will make you appear more confident and friendly, so let it shine!