How to Pick Girls on Facebook

How to Pick Up Girls on Facebook

Hey, there!

You’re here because you are interested in getting that one gorgeous Facebook friend out on a date. Or perhaps, you’re looking to synchronize all of your lady prospects into a simple and easy platform that will give you a ton of options to enhance your dating life? Or, you simply want to know how to appear more attractive online, turning your social media into a well-oiled machine that brings girls to you?

Well, whatever the case is, my friend, today I’ll teach you to do just that and even more. In this article, you’ll find all the necessary information that you’ll ever need to learn how to pick up girls on Facebook. After this simple read, you’ll have the tools and knowledge to start kicking butts and taking names (or kissing girls and taking numbers, to be more appropriate).

But first things first, we can’t go into the concepts of picking up girls on Facebook without knowing why it works and how it works. And we can’t go into that without knowing how it got to that point. So let’s start with a very brief history of how we got here:

1. How Pick Up Was Done In The Past

Back in the day, there weren’t many (if any) widespread social media sites on the Internet like today. The places people went to talk to each other and share information were forums. Back then Pickup was kind of like an underground thing, where you’d find people discussing tactics on how to get women and such. Back in the day, Pickup was done primarily offline. In Clubs, on the street, with friends, etc.

Throughout the years, with the evolution of the Internet, new trends began to come up. Things like chat rooms, videos, and eventually: social media sites.

Now, I’m sure you can see why this evolution can bring players online and make picking up women online possible. Being able to have a conversation is a huge part of picking up a girl, so being able to converse on the Internet means that you can pick up the girls on the Internet, provided you have a way to contact them.

This is huge, as it lays the groundwork for what we’re trying to explain here. I’m 100% sure that you’re realizing how this evolutionary process is leading up to one of the best ways to pick up girls today.

But before we go to the why Facebook is so superior, let’s see what a social media actually is and how it helps men pick up women, shall we:

2. What Social Media Means For Pick Up

Well, for one, Social Media sites, like Facebook, offer the users to build a profile for themselves. Posting photos, writing bios, and much more. This means that now, a person doesn’t have to do much to have basic (or more) information about a potential mate.

A man doesn’t need to guess a woman’s interests randomly (to make conversation about them and make her talk) because she’s listed them on her profile. Similarly, a woman doesn’t need to ask (or manipulate the conversation to receive the information she’s looking for) whether the guy is caring, loving, etc. because of the way his profile is set can emanate these values (or others) that women look for in men.

So, as you can see, social media is one of the best things to have happened to pick up. It’s accessible, easy to use, and an exceptional tool for what we’re trying to do here. But why is Facebook so superior, you ask? Why not Instagram, or Twitter, or something else?

3. Why is Facebook Superior?

The answer is simple: because Facebook is the most wide-spread and most used one.

Facebook is SO BIG (no pun intended) that almost every person using the Internet is likely to be using Facebook. Your friends have it; their friends also have it, heck, probably even your grandma is on Facebook right now, browsing photos of cats or food recipes.

Another HUGE thing is that Facebook is used more by females, which is your target audience!

So you have this online platform where you can create a profile for yourself, post the photos you want people to see, write whatever the hell you want about yourself, post whatever interests you the most. Basically, you have a place where you can showcase how awesome your life is (and this doesn’t really require you to have an awesome life, because of online, people are even less caring than in person).

On top of that, this platform lets you connect with others (the girls you like) and subtly show them everything awesome that happens to you, give you a means of communication even when you’re not there in front of them, AND alternative ways to attract them (we’ll talk about this later).

This is the best thing to have ever happened to Pickup!

But that’s enough history and praise. Why don’t we go to the meat of this article, the thing you came here for:

4. How To Pick Up Girls On Facebook

Alright, now first, you obviously need to have the girl (or girls) you’re trying to pick up in your friends. Getting her Facebook is easy, and it’s even rewarding since it’s so mainstream that most women would give you their Facebook but not their phone number.

This means that you can ask for a Facebook instead of a number and get better results.

Asking for a number is direct. It basically tells the girl: “Hey, I’m interested in you, I want to take you out on a date.” This may push them to reject you if they aren’t completely attracted to you already (and if you’ve had only a couple minutes to talk, say she’s busy, or you’re busy, she won’t be that attracted to you).

But asking for a Facebook is so casual that most girls will accept even if they don’t know you that well. Facebook is just set that way: the people you’re connected to are your “friends.” Basically, when you ask a girl for her Facebook, she hears: “Hey, you seem like a cool person, I’d like to know more about you, let’s be friends.” Completely non-threatening and free of consequence.

5. But, Isn’t Being Direct a Good Thing?

Now, I’m a strong advocate for showing intent and being serious with a girl you like, but there’s no need to cut off a potential mate just because the situation wasn’t completely right. So, for example:

If the conversation has been going for a bit and she’s showing me signs of attraction, then I’ll go ahead and take the number to show her that I’m interested in her. BUT if it’s just a quick “Hey, I saw you look cute but you’re in a hurry” type of thing, I’ll push for the Facebook close because she doesn’t have the time to get attracted to me yet and this way I can later do that when we’re both free.

Alright, great. You’ve gotten her Facebook, you connect there and now what? Do I like her profile photo? Do I Say “Hi” or something? Do I ghost her for 3 years and then appear out of nowhere?

6. What To Do Now?

Well, obviously the first thing you’re going to do (even impulsively) is to scroll through her profile and look for interesting posts to learn more about her (she’s doing the same thing, trust me). That’s alright, it’s not necessary, but it’s not a bad practice either, at least you can know for sure that she’s not a witch, trying to summon some demons or doing rituals in her bedroom (you don’t want to know, trust me).

After that, my suggestion is to text her. Start with something carefree and (if you can) interesting or funny (or both).

I usually start with a funny GIF if I feel like it. This destroys the awkwardness of the start of the interaction where both you and the girl (mostly you) are usually like: “Uhh, what should I write? Just “hey” is too generic, but ….”

Keep the interaction short and sweet. Text her just a bit, ask her some open-ended questions to make her talk more about something and just keep it light. Build rapport with her if you can but never do that extensively.

That’s because if you do that one: you’ll have nothing to talk when you take her out on a date, and two: you’ll become just friends (and we’re here for something else). Texting is best when it’s used to set up a date. So just text a bit, get her to invest in the interaction and push for the date. I usually say something like: “You seem like a cool person, let’s hang out/go on a date (depending on the dynamics of the interaction) sometime.”

7. That’s Great, BUT

Тhis isn’t the only thing you should be doing. You need to judge the situation and play your cards right. For example, don’t push for a date on a low point in the conversation where her emotions aren’t high. A surefire way to shoot yourself in the foot is to ask her out on a date while talking about the weather or something boring (unless she’s the lady from the weather part of the news and that’s her passion).

An interaction has high points and low points (just like in real life), and you must use the high points to your advantage and the low points as phrases that prepare the high points and give you time to set them up. Only push for the date on high points to ensure a higher chance of success.

8. Try This Neat Trick From Time To Time

Another thing I love to do is to cut the interaction in the middle (best at a high point or at a buildup to one). Basically, we’ll be talking about something interesting and awesome, and I’d say something like: “Work came up, have to go, talk to you later” and disappear. I’ll then ghost her for the rest of the day (or more) and pick up the conversation whenever I have the time. This makes you appear busy and in control of your life, which are great aspects that women are looking for in men.

Whoah, that’s a TON of value and information just for texting.

That’s great, but that’s not the only thing Facebook gives you. As we’ve talked, on Facebook you can set your profile and show people (and girls) what you want them to see, or what you think they want to see, to appear more attractive to them.

So let’s dive down to how to pimp up your profile to attract girls as much as you can before you even say “hi” to them (or even to make them say “hi” first):

9. How Should Your Profile Look

10. Profile Photo

The first thing to focus on is your profile photo. It’s the number one first thing people look at when they open somebody’s Facebook profile. Your profile photo must be the best. Professionally taken, great lighting, good looking (in your best clothes), and preferably only yourself in it (to reduce confusion.

There are exceptions to this, but usually, this is the best setup). Another thing to mention is not to use selfies in your profile photo (and any photo usually). Selfies are lazy and boring. Selfies are a girly thing.

Girls take selfies all day; men don’t have time for that, we don’t have time for barely any photos in our lives.

Your life is amazing and incredible, and you enjoy every second of it to the fullest, that’s why you don’t have the time to stop and take a selfie or a photo of something (unless you’re a photographer, which is hot so fill your photos with cool beaches, sunsets and other sexy things).

Get your friends to take your photo with a good camera and in good lighting, and you’re set, most smartphones can do that for you just fine, but you can take into the next level by hiring a professional photographer (it works wonders, I’ve tried it).

11. Profile Bio and Posts

After the profile photo, usually, people look at the short bio on the left side and the recent posts. For the short bio, you want something that sounds cool/funny/inspiring, etc. A quote or something that you think represents you nicely in one or two sentences.

Don’t put in your height or common interests and stuff like that, this isn’t your Tinder profile (but it can give you the same results). For your posts, basically, you want people to see what you think is awesome, what inspires you, your thoughts, etc.

I have a friend who regularly posts some of his thoughts (he’s a marketing expert, so he writes about selling something to people), I have another one that loves memes and posts a ton of memes on their profile, and I have another one that is heavily into politics and you’ll find a ton of debates, policies, and such on her profile. Basically, you want to express yourself.

This is generally pretty easy since everything you share is automatically posted there, so Facebook keeps an eye on this part for you (for the most time) and builds your persona up on its own (for the most time).

But what would this article be without an example of mine to showcase how all of this works together?

12. What My Experience Taught Me

So, I’ve had this girl that I liked a while ago (we’ve met at a board games cafe) we played some of my favorite board games, I liked her, so I got her Facebook. The night after I added her and we began to chat.

I love opening up with GIFs (as I’ve said) so I sent her a funny Pokemon GIF where Pikachu is smiling uncontrollably while laying on a tree branch (it’s hilarious). She responds with a burst of laughter (a line of laughing emojis), and we kick off talking about the board games.

We talked a bit, and then I remembered I had to make a phone call with a friend over some hang out the next day, so I stopped the conversation while we were in the middle of having fun and went to do my other things.

The next day I had almost forgotten about it (I was busy with work) so I ended up opening Facebook all the way at the end of the night, and I found that she’d tried reaching out to me. So what happened was that after the last night when we stopped, the morning after she’d say “Hi” (since my Facebook is connected on my phone and I appear online when I open it, but I’ve missed the message) then later when I didn’t respond she’d send a GIF of Pikachu doing something funny (talk about seeking my attention).

At that point, I knew I had it in the bag so when I texted her and got an almost immediate response, I knew what to do. We talked about some common interests like food, and at that point, I said: “Hey, you seem like a cool person, how about if we go on a date on Friday at seven and we can get those burgers we’ve talked about?”

Suddenly, she stopped responding for a bit (probably due to the incredible excitement and needing time to phone all of her girlfriends for advice, haha) and after a minute or so she accepted.

And that’s basically all you need to do to pick up girls on Facebook. Obviously, you’ll need to spend some time on the platform to get things done. So, just look through your news feed (remember not to get lost here, happens waaay too often) build your profile to look nice and sexy, and you’re set. After that just get the Facebook contacts and use the techniques here to get that out on a date. It’s that easy!

So, that’s all for today. I wish you the best of luck on Facebook, my friend. Go out there and pick some girls up right now!