Are You Looking For A Real Boyfriend? Here Is What You Should Know

Are You Looking For A Real Boyfriend? Here Is What You Should Know

Feeling lonely?

Are you tired of being alone on Friday nights cuddling your teddy bear?

And did you know that getting a boyfriend is much easier?

Yes, it’s much easier than losing one. So what are you waiting?

Finding love can be the most rewarding thing that can ever happen to you. All you need to do is to be prepared. You need to work on yourself before setting off for the hunt.

In this article you will find:

  • Tips on how to work on yourself before you start looking for a real boyfriend,
  • Easy to follow tips on how to get the man of your dreams,
  • And how to find love online without a hassle.

Let’s dive in and enjoy the journey of finding you a real boyfriend:

1. What to do before you start looking for a boyfriend

If you are looking for ways of how to find a real boyfriend, you have to be ready for a relationship. A boyfriend should get you if you’ve got it together. He will not only find you attractive, but you will be healthier, more confident and a lot happier.

Some of the things you can do before your search are:

Make yourself feel special

Do something that makes you happy. Allocate a day and treat yourself, that boyfriend can wait. The more comfortable you are with yourself, the easier it is to get attention from that boyfriend in your hood. If guys realize you are content with who you are, they will be attracted to you. You won’t be able to hide it; it will show in your personality, and it will be the magnet.

Build your confidence

Men love confidence. A woman who loves herself and is comfortable in her skin will always be the desire of any man. Find your courage no matter how shy you are. You don’t have to be all over, but you can show your confidence through your actions. Smile more often, engage in debates and don’t be afraid to voice your opinions and just spice up your body language.

Your body language has to give an impression of confidence.

Try out new things

If you are used to routines, it’s easier to get into a rut. Check out new restaurants, clubs and even cafes and find out if there are great guys there. Engage in fun activities and hobbies that are likely to increase your potential of finding a date.

Go out more often

Instead of spending your time indoors all day, get out there and be seen. No man is going to come to your doorsteps and engage you in a conversation. If you like eating in the house, it time to go out for a bite in the café nearby. You never know.

Relax and be open minded

The thought of getting a hookup real fast could be driving you nuts, but you don’t have to put a lot of pressure on yourself. Sometimes you got to relax and allow love to find you. Be open to the fact that your man may just come for you.

Now that you have worked on yourself, it’s time to go out there and find yourself a real man. Below are some simple tricks that could make your search a lot easier.

2. Tips that will help you find a real boyfriend

Be realistic

When you are looking for love, you need to change your attitude. Most women have a wish list of the kind of guys they want to date. While we all want someone we can be proud of and floss around with; you should not let physical attributes blur your vision. Don’t be so concerned about how much the guy earns instead look at his character, is he dependable, can he commit to you, does he love you? These are some of the attributes that you should use to judge the guys you meet.

  • While being physically attractive, earning a 6 figure salary, or driving the latest machine are all good, don’t let them be the main determinant on whether to date a man or not. You may lose a great guy simple because he doesn’t have it all. Look at his character and personality more.

Change your perspective

You are out dating and getting to know each other for god’s sake. Drop those talks about how many kids you want in future, when you want to settle or where will you be going on family vacations. The man may not want the same things as you, and such talks may only turn him off. Focus on being the hot girl. Don’t give him the impression that you want to settle soon.

  • Talk about some cool, the new social trends and some of the things you can do together. Give yourself time to learn the guy before you can talk about future family goals.
  • You don’t have to show him how wife material you are on your first dates, if the feeling is mutual, there will be enough time for that.

Take dating as an exploration and just date

Treat dating as an opportunity to meet new people and make connections. They may not necessarily be what you are looking for, but in making new friends, they introduce you to their circles, and who knows? You may just find a match.

  • Always look hot when going for dates and wear clothes that make you look attractive. Be articulate when engaging in conversations and make yourself stand out from your girls. This is a sure way of how to find real boyfriend.

Resist the urge of talking about your ex

Your ex should remain in your past. Talking a lot about him will only give the guys you meet an impression that you have not moved on. That will reduce your chances of hitting it off the ground. You should also not talk ill of your ex because it will make the new guy feel that if they break your heart, you may just bad mouth them.

  • Make sure you have completely healed and made peace with your past before going out on a lave hunt. The healthier you are emotionally, the easier it will be for you to move on and find new love.

Let having you be a challenge

Nothing gives men so many thrills like a challenge. When you meet new guys, let them know that you are not out looking for prince charming. They should see your interactions as open and that you are out to meet and interact with more guys.

  • Let them see that you are interested in meeting new guys. Men love attention and admiration from their women. If he realizes you have other alternatives, he will work hard to have your attention.No guy wants his woman snatched under his nose. They would want to impress you to make you commit.

Behave yourself

When out, be kind and warm to everyone you meet. It makes you more attractive. Talk well to the waiters, the people you meet on the streets and the guy’s friends. It creates a great impression about you to your date.

  • Win over his family and friends when you meet them and don’t be rude and intolerant to people around you. It makes you less attractive.

Find out if you are compatible

A relationship can only thrive if you and your partner have so much in common. You don’t have to agree on everything but do you share the same goals in life? Do you share the same value systems? What are your views about marriage and children?

  • If you find out that you have conflicting ideas on major life issues, then you are better off as friends.
  • He doesn’t have to be your clown, but make sure you are not complete opposites. It will make your life much easier and fun.

Is there any chemistry between you?

Are you attracted to your date? Do you feel the urge of touching or kissing him? Does his presence give you goosebumps? At some point, you will have to be intimate, and if you don’t feel attracted to him, chances are you may not enjoy your intimate moments.

  • If there is no chemistry, and your heart does not skip a beat when you see him, girl, don’t force it just remain friends.

Take your time before getting intimate

It’s important to withhold sex until you are very sure that it’s time to take the relationship to the next level. Do it when you feel ready and on your terms. Don’t let the guy rush you so that you can gain his interest. Sex cannot fuel any relationship and don’t use it as a tool to keep the guy hooked.

  • Intimacy is a sign of commitment and love. Don’t rush it. Make sure the guy is committed to dating you. There is no point of having sex with someone who is not interested in being with you.

Don’t talk too much

Men love bubbly women but don’t go overboard. Take time to listen and don’t be the one who does all the talking. Let your date know that you value his input, and it doesn’t have to be about you all the time.

  • Listen more and don’t interrupt him while he is talking. And to show you are paying attention to what he is saying, make it a habit of repeating what he said. Always encourage him to speak.

Drop the strong girl attitude and be his girl for once

Men love independent women, yes, but they also want to feel that you need them. Be a girl and save that seriousness for the office and those business deals. Loosen up and let your man be in charge. It makes you sexy and gives your date the impression that you need him.

  • Just be vulnerable for once, it doesn’t hurt or make you look weak. Cry on his shoulder when things are not working out and let him comfort you. It makes the guy feel that you trust him to offer security when you are most vulnerable.

Enjoy the flow

Doing all these things will give you leverage and make your chances of getting a real boyfriend higher. Enjoy every moment and treat every encounter as unique. If the man commits, and you both want to take it to the next level, don’t resist the urge.

If you are the lazy type and feel that this is too much work, you can leverage the power of technology and meet guys online. It’s much faster, and you can do it from the comfort of your home.

3. Online Dating Tips on How To Find A Real Boyfriend

When trying to find love you cannot ignore technology entirely. It will speed and enhance your ways of how to find a real boyfriend. For you to succeed in getting a boyfriend online, you will need a well written profile. Be serious and funny at the same time. You need a real relationship, but don’t appear needy and desperate.

People should see your fun side, but that does not mean your profile has to be flaky. These tips will help you when making a dating profile:

Use the right keywords

You don’t want to portray yourself as needy. Let guys know that you are looking for a lasting relationship or a friend instead of telling them you are looking for a marriage partner. Focus on the process and not the results.

Indicate your deal breakers

Let the guys who visit your profile know the kind of people you would want to connect with. State some of the things you love about your potential date and stuff you wouldn’t take. If you have kids, state it.

Be funny

Make your profile fun to read so that the guys reading it find you attractive. It’s not enough to say you love laughing, let it be seen in your profile by describing a funny event that made you laugh.

Check out for guys whose interests are short-term

Browse through profiles and be careful with guys who don’t want to commit. Such are time wasters and don’t give fall into their traps.

Beware of serious guys

Look out for guys whose profiles depict some level of seriousness. These guys will try to put out everything in the open. Their pictures are much clear, and it’s easier to know what their interests are.

Don’t dig deep into a man’s social networks

It’s likely you will find something that will discourage you. Don’t attach so much importance to the guy’s online presence. Engage him offline if you two accept to meet and know his real character.

Be as honest as possible

You don’t want to send the wrong impressions about yourself. There will be guys who will be interested in you. Clean up any unwanted events that may portray you negatively.

Be flexible and don’t write him off for not calling

There’s no point of getting pissed off just because he didn’t call. Calling may be his weakness and if you had hit it off, and he sends a text suggesting that you meet up for some quick coffee, don’t sweat it out.

Don’t entertain guys who ask for suggestive photos

A guy who respects you and wants a real relationship will not ask for your nudes. He will try and build a relationship and let everything flow naturally.

Go with the flow

Don’t worry about the small issue. If the guy takes too long to call or respond to texts, don’t let it get on your nerves. Work with what works for him and enjoy the flow.

Are you still wondering how to get a real boyfriend? Well, the above tips should get you sorted. Use them anytime you are on a love hunt and get that dream guy.