15 Fantastic Dating Tips For Women Who Want To Succeed In Their Relationships

15 Fantastic Dating Tips For Women Who Want To Succeed In Their Relationships

Are you ready for something serious?

Is taking it to the next level your main motive for dating?

Do you want to create a lasting and fulfilling relationship?

If these are your desires, don’t worry because we all desire stable and rewarding relationships. It would be important to note that women of different ages date for various reasons. A woman in her 20’s may date for fun and to explore while a lady in her 30’s or 40’s in most cases will want something stable. So what do you want?

In this article, you will find:

  • 15 fantastic and practical tips that would help you succeed in creating a lasting relationship,
  • Get to know how the male brain works,
  • And how to be you in the relationship.

Let’s begin with some of the most practical tips that will help you succeed in your relationship:

1. Know yourself

Dating can be challenging. You will be hurt, disappointed or even discouraged. Discovering who you are as a person will help you survive the heartbreaks and move on. Being confident is crucial and attaching some self-worth on yourself will help create boundaries on how people will treat you. Don’t accept to be a pushover.

  • Heartbreaks can be a knock on your confidence but don’t let it kill your desire for a rewarding relationship. if someone doesn’t want you, it doesn’t mean you are a bad person or you have nothing to offer. Dust yourself and move on confidently. There are better men out there waiting for your love.

2. Just be honest

It doesn’t hurt to be you. Pretending to be someone else will not yield any results. It will only keep the other person from expressing what they feel for you and give an impression that you are not serious.

  • Don’t inflate the truth in the quest of impressing him. Learn to speak your mind, be brave and appreciate yourself.
  • Always know that someone will celebrate and desire you the way you are. Relationships that are built on faulty foundations don’t stand the test of time. So be truthful.

3. Know and define your deal breakers from the word go

This is so far the most important tip for women who want to succeed in their relationships. It merely boils down to communication. Just learn to communicate and always be assertive in expressing what you want.

One common mistake women make is thinking that men want the same things they want in the relationship. Men would want things explicitly explained to them. Learn to express yourself and let your man know your non-negotiables. If you can’t forgive cheating, let him know from the onset of the relationship.

  • Share your opinions, ideas and listen to his. Don’t take anything for granted as such, are the causes of misunderstandings.
  • Learn to speak the unarguable truth in case of any misunderstanding and let the guy in your life know what you can’t stand.

4. Listen to your instincts and don’t ignore the red flags

A woman’s instinct is always right. When you have that feeling that something is not right, don’t ignore it. If your date cannot be open about who he is or acts mysterious, chances are they are hiding something. Learn to trust your gut feeling before you get into the wrong relationship and end up heartbroken.

  • Ask questions and seek clarifications on issues that you find suspicious. Never ignore anything as it could be the one thing that may save you from a lifetime of heartache.

5. Don’t be clingy and needy

Most men don’t like clingy women. Being independent and dependent at the same time is possible. Make your man feel like you need him; it boosts his ego to know that you feel secure when with him, but don’t overdo it. Let him also see that you can stand on your own. Being needy will only make him avoid you.

  • Have a life outside the relationship where you can retreat to and have some alone time.
  • Have your own money that will help you sort your personal issues without always asking for financial assistance. You are not a child for god’s sake. Just learn to sort yourself out. He may chip in, but only if he want to.
  • Work on your confidence and cut of the need for constant validation.

6. Don’t be insecure, jealous and possessive

These three monsters will kill your relationship faster than you think. No man wants a controlling partner, or his space restricted because their partner fears that someone will snatch them away. It makes you less attractive and will make your man avoid you.

  • Trust your man and work out on issues that make you feel insecure. If you have trust issues, talk them out and let your partner know why you don’t trust him. If he cares about you, he will try and change for the sake of your relationship.

7. Don’t use sex to make him stay

While sex is vital for any stable relationship, men and women view it differently. For most men, they would use sex to gauge if there can be a relationship while women take sex to mean that there is a relationship going on. State your sexual boundaries and let your man know them.

  • Never let a man rush you into being intimate just to gain his interest. The feeling has to be mutual. Check if you share the same value systems, beliefs and if you feel he is the right person for you.
  • Do it when the time is right and when you feel ready. Don’t use sex to fuel your relationship in the hope that it will keep him attracted and hooked.

8. Don’t be afraid to be emotionally available

It’s normal to be discouraged and be scared to open up after a breakup, but this will only make it difficult to connect with your current date.Women who want to succeed in their relationshipsare bold so, let go of the heartbreaks and move on to your new relationship with a positive mind. You can only experience true love and happiness if you don’t hold back.

  • Don’t compare your current date with your ex. Allow him to love you the best way he knows how. Give yourself a chance to experience new love and never judge him by the mistakes of your ex boyfriend.

9. Show your man that you are interested in him

A lot of men find it tiresome when they have to do everything in the relationship. Men will find it attractive if you reach out. Even by simple acts like holding his hand in public or leaning on him when on a date. It gives him the impression that you find him attractive.

  • Ditch the myth of playing hard to get because it will only drive him away. A little mystery is okay, but don’t over stretch it. Research shows that men will find you less attractive if you play hard to get. Just loosen up and let the guy know you like him

10. Enjoy your date

Make your time together a memorable one for both of you. Don’t let it be the man’s sole responsibility. Give him time to talk about his ideas, interests, goals, and things that drive him. Listen attentively and contribute to conversations.

Don’t be hooked to your phone and forget that you are on a date. Resist the urge of talking about your ex and just be nice. Show kindness to the people you meet and don’t bad mouth anybody. It’s a turn off for many men.

11. Go slow on alcohol

Don’t take a lot of alcohol on your first date. It’s not only a turnoff, but it’s risky and impairs your judgment. You may end up talking about things you ought not to have talked about or do things that you might regret later. You may also lose your date.

  • If you have to take alcohol, take it in moderation. There is no point of drinking yourself silly that you forget your morals.


12. Don’t be too hard on yourself and go with the flow

It’s normal to feel the pressure when your age mates are getting married and having kids but that should not push you into settling down with the first guy who shows some interest in you.

  • Remember that everyone has a different path. Interact with different people and have fun. Don’t settle down with someone who is not right for you just to fulfill a societal norm. It’s your life, release the pressure and have fun.

13. Focus more on character than on the physical attributes

Every woman has a wish list of the ideal partner. Most women love tall, dark and handsome guys while others want him to drive a particular car, put on the latest fashion and even make a certain amount of money.

While these traits and abilities are right, they are more superficial. They don’t reflect a man’s real character. Being rigid may lock you from enjoying a fulfilling relationship with a good guy who does not meet the cut. Be open and as long a man can respect your non-negotiables, focus more on his character and the true him.

14. Remember to treat dating as an exploration and challenge your date

Men love challenges, and the moment they realize there are other men eyeing you, they will become keener on you. No man wants his woman snatched under his nose. This can do you some good, and you may end up in a fulfilling relationship.

So how do you do this? Treat dating as an exploration. It should be an opportunity for going out to meet people. They may be right for you or not but don’t let it seem like it has to work out. Let your date know that you are open to meeting other people and that your relationship is open.

Show him that you are not in a hurry to find prince charming and that you are figuring out the ideal person for you. It’s not a regular occurrence for men to meet free and open-minded ladies. He will be keener on you and try to be the ideal guy for you.

15. Drop the rules and enjoy the relationship

If the feeling is mutual and you like each other, drop the dating rules of not calling unless he calls and staying for sometimes before answering his texts. Call if you want to call. Text him if you feel like doing so. Don’t treat it as a game or else you will lose. Be honest with yourself and do what you think is right.

Women whowant to succeed in their relationships have to know what they want from the onset. These tips will do you some good and help you turn that date into a lasting and fulfilling relationship.