What is the best place to find a girlfriend? (15 Great Place)

To find a girlfriend at this day and age isn’t what it used to be. I’m sure you’ve heard your parents’ or even grandparents’ stories about how they met each other. But that was in the past… things are different now.

We have much more advanced technology that allows us to pretty much do anything from the comfort of our homes. And while that’s great for many things such as ordering pizza or watching a high-quality movie, it falls short when it comes to dating.

Think about it: Dating is a social activity. And real relationships can never be formed purely online. Some people may argue that all you need to have a relationship is communication (and that can be achieved online, yes) but that’s not entirely the truth. A strong, healthy relationship is built upon many pillars (one of which is communication)… And just like a roof, you can’t keep it stable on only one pillar, you’ll need all.

In that light, this article aims to take you outside for a bit. Not only is that great for your physical health, but you’ll find that meeting women offline can be just as effective (and in many cases even better) than online. So, here are the 15 best places that you can find your next girlfriend in. Have a stroll to these once in a while and you’ll see for yourself.

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/beautiful-woman-437756866?src=8RrWRQqN6208ZWb76nerNg-1-45

Image Name: Gorgeous_Woman_Smiling_Messy_Hair

  1. Public Parks
  2. Coffee Shops
  3. The College Campus
  4. College Parties
  5. The Workplace
  6. Office Parties
  7. Networking Events
  8. Libraries and Book Stores
  9. Museums and Galleries
  10. Malls and Shopping Centers
  11. Public Transport
  12. Non-Profit Campaigns
  13. Fandom Events
  14. Anything You’re Passionate About
  15. A Word on Online Dating (I know what I said in the beginning but…)

Now, you might be saying things like: “Public parks? Libraries? Malls??? Those are only in the movies… Nobody goes to the mall to find their soulmate, they go there to buy a new shirt, or watch a movie, or read a book.”

And I understand where you’re coming from. But think about it: why do we need to have specific places to flirt and do ‘finding a girlfriend’ and other places where we don’t? That’s not really the case for most places. Yeah a bar or a club is a great opportunity to flirt with women, but that’s not the main focus of those venues, is it. So why should we be a flirty, ‘looking for a partner’-type of person in one place and ‘just shopping, or reading a book’ in another?

The key is to be yourself (cliché I know) regardless of where you are. This means doing whatever you want to do. If you find that girl by the tree attractive, go talk to her. Don’t suppress how you feel because the place is not inherently connected with dating.

But let’s get into more detail. Read further to understand what exactly makes each of these places sooo good when it comes to meeting the partner of your fantasies. Without further ado:

1. Public Parks

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/pretty-young-bicyclist-sitting-on-bench-503154424?src=gZPeAjtoaPVEKA5gElGlfg-1-9

Image Name: Gorgeous_Blonde_Cyclist_Park_Bench

Coming from the example above, I’m sure you’ve been in public parks before, and I’m sure that you’ve seen gorgeous women just walking around, or having a picnic, or reading a book, etc.

It might feel weird to just approach somebody in the park, but if you think about it, it makes a ton of sense.

When do you go to the park? When you want to be outside, around nature, breathing fresh air and relaxing, and when you want to be around people.

Home is great. There’s a TV, a computer, a refrigerator, and a bed… But there aren’t many people at home (or many new ones at least). If I wanted to read a book, I could read it at home… but if I wanted to read a book while enjoying life around me (sunlight, air, nature, other people) I’ll go to the park and read there.

That means that I’ll most likely welcome other people if they come to me instead of pushing them away.

And let’s be honest here: how many times has your heart skipped a beat when you walked past a gorgeous girl at the park… how many times have you fallen in love for a second in similar situations? I know the number is too damn high for me (and I don’t really go out a ton).

All I’m saying is… It’s not impolite or creepy to talk to people at the park. It’s actually normal and expected (or else, they’d be at home, where they can’t be approached by strangers). And that’s what makes parks one of the best places to find a girlfriend.

2. Coffee Shops

 Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/woman-using-tablet-592179020?src=Sis_6gNRN5-L1JlkeMtW_w-1-15

Image Name: Beautiful_Woman_Coffee_Shop_Tablet

Ahh, probably the most popular place to go on a date (that’s very unoriginal by the way… I still do it, don’t worry). But, did you know that you can actually just approach women who are sitting at a coffee shop.

Usually you go get coffee with friends, or if you’re like me – when you decide to work outside. And the women you’ll see in coffee shops are doing the same.

Again, just like with parks, people go to coffee shops to do something while being social. So, there’s nothing wrong with striking a conversation at these places.

This time, the situation is a bit more high-pressure (because you’re in an establishment, there are other people very close by, and other similar factors) but that doesn’t mean that it’s something out of the ordinary.

All you have to do is just muster up the courage, go up to her table, and chat her up (and her friends, if she’s in a group). Hopefully she’s as great of a person as she looks and good things can follow from that.

3. The College Campus

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/portrait-female-college-student-smiling-camera-462360148?src=zek-CV5dtUr6SIWiYfLUkg-1-20

Image Name: Cute_Blonde_Girl_College_Campus

 Now, obviously this is for college or university students (although you can just go to college campuses as an outsider too… it’s just a bit weird and you’ll be asked questions… Or maybe you’re out of that age range altogether sooo… it’s your call). If you don’t care about college girls, or professors (you can meet these elsewhere too), skip this (maybe ‘the workplace’ will be more up your alley).

But let’s not beat around the bush… The college campus is a great place to find a girlfriend. I’m going to go forward and assume you’re actually studying at the college (but the idea can be applied even if you’re not) so, let’s see why this place is great.

For one – it’s a place where a ton of people gather. Its main purpose is learning, but you don’t go to the campus only to learn… there are other facilities such as a cafeteria, maybe a park, a library (more on that later), etc.

That’s where you want to go. And if you see a beautiful girl in the cafeteria, having a lunchbreak between classes… why not go talk to her?

4. College Parties

 Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/glad-adult-teenagers-celebrating-end-session-678870667?src=5UeWiYqD21_wArpq7Zjrpg-1-37

Image Name: Group_Of_College_Students_Party

 Now this is something more understandable I assume. Like I’ve mentioned in the beginning, usually when people think “meeting women” they think bars and clubs… and parties.

But college parties are a bit different because you will know a handful of the people there (or will have at least seen them). That’s of course if you go to that college often.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the people you meet at these parties will be very accessible, so you don’t have to push too strongly like you’d do at bars or clubs (you’ll see those girls again, so you don’t need to have a solid contact and plans).

Also, the atmosphere is much more casual due to that closeness you have with your peers.

All in all, college parties are taking the best parts of bars and clubs and magnifying them. Making it easy and much more likely to meet someone that will turn into a partner down the road.

5. The Workplace

 Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/shot-attractive-mature-businesswoman-working-on-613400372?src=gxhXakPVLpZnT0TLhB0foA-1-1

Image Name: Beautiful_Woman_Glasses_Office

 Same disclaimer as with the college section. Although it’s pretty tough to find yourself in a workplace you’re not actually employed at. In any case, the similarities are there, but the workplace is very different.

So, as far as similarities go: you have the benefit of knowing that these people will be here tomorrow and the day after that, etc. (apart from holidays of course).

The difference is that your relationships with these people are much more tight-knit. You’ll be seeing them often and you don’t really want to have unpleasant moments.

That being said, there’s no problem with romance around the workplace (notice the word ‘around’ … focus on your job. Other things can come in breaks). Just like with college, the workplace is great to find a soulmate. The difference here is that the relationship might even be stronger because you probably know these people better (and they know you better too).

6. Office Parties

 Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/cheers-six-beautiful-young-happy-best-539426035?src=iYCJ6odAJOQmqRxx2JB0FA-1-13

Image Name: Group_Of_Colleagues_Office_Party

 Again, kind of like the college parties section. This shares most of the benefits. In fact, if you skipped it, go read it now because everything pretty much applies here.

The only difference is that office parties are usually much more reserved (you won’t see wild teens doing 10 shots one after the other on office parties… Or maybe you will, if your job is to be awesome, haha). The community is also tighter (as mentioned) so things are more impactful.

That’s a good thing because a relationship formed from work can be very strong. And a bad thing because it’s more uncomfortable if things don’t work out. But that doesn’t mean that you should just avoid women from your workplace and keep your feelings caged… Chances are that you and your crush are both adults (or should at least act like it) and no hard feelings should be too crushing and uncomfortable.

As a side note: You can actually go to office parties that aren’t hosted by your workplace. It’s a great way to meet new people (maybe even find a girlfriend).

All in all Colleges, Universities, and workplaces are among the best places for finding a future partner.

7. Networking Events

 Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/delegates-networking-during-conference-lunch-break-479733907?src=uftUT1eGp6Hn5oYLZTIvNg-1-12

Image Name: People_Conversing_At_Networking_Event

 Speaking of other workplaces’ office parties… Those are pretty much like networking events.

It’s great to go to not only because you get to meet people that can help you professionally, but also because a romance can bloom. Obviously that’s not the first thing that comes to mind when going to a networking event (and I doubt anyone is strictly going to networking events with the idea to meet their soulmate), but that doesn’t mean that you should feel bad for liking someone you meet there.

All in all, you just need to be yourself and express how you feel if you find a girl you like (even if it’s not in a networking event… shocking, I know, haha).

8. Libraries and Book Stores

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/young-simpatic-woman-wearing-fashionable-colorful-721002550?src=7HEvXJqL6Pl_U8nBm3R19A-1-1

Image Name: Gorgeous_Woman_Reading_At_Library

I’m pretty sure no man is looking for an unintelligent woman (correct me if I’m wrong by the way, I have no evidence to support this claim). And how do people learn and get more intelligent? Books. Those are sold in book stores and can be borrowed in libraries. Also, finding love in a library is straight out of a movie.

Fantasy aside, chatting up that gorgeous girl in the library is very simple (because you have the topics of the conversation right in front of you… books). Also, it’s not weird as long as you’re not talking too loud (it’s a library, people expect it to be quiet).

What’s great about places like libraries and book stores is that you won’t be going to those to find love… you’ll be there to get a book because you enjoy reading books. And chances are that the people you find there will also enjoy books. That means that any girls you meet in a library or a book store will have something in common with you. That’s perfect grounds for a relationship, making libraries and book stores one of the best places to find a girlfriend.

9. Museums and Galleries

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/young-woman-looking-modern-painting-art-431101738?src=9jC2RBQbKakQFnvBzUb_9g-1-30

Image Name: Cute_Burnette_Girl_Art_Museum

Similarly to libraries, museums and galleries are places where people go to explore culture and enrichen their minds. Usually mostly populated by tourists, these places are still great for meeting a partner.

And even if you fall for a foreign girl, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Travel is soo easy these days that it takes less than a full day to get from anywhere to anywhere. Also, you can capture her interest enough to move in with you (you can also move in with her, nothing wrong with that).

But back to museums and galleries. These are one of the best places to find a soulmate because the start is soo easy. Conversational topics are everywhere around you and chances are that the women there are interested in the same things you are.

10. Malls and Shopping Centers

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/woman-shopping-happy-bags-enjoying-consumerism-640493977?src=sx7HecGk6Zc5q-MYn6HLpw-1-1

Image Name: Woman_Shopping_Happy_Glasses

Now this might seem a little weird… Malls? Those are for buying clothes and watching movies in the cinema, not for meeting your future partner.

But why not? It’s not like you have to go there with the intention to find her, it just may be that she needs to buy herself a new dress (because she’s a human and needs clothes).

In any case, malls and shopping centers are among the best places you can find a girlfriend these days. And that’s because soo many people go to them.

11. Public Transport

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/beautiful-young-woman-taking-bus-work-201656960?src=72m99yCzWEApqzWnKnhxGA-1-2

Image Name: Beautiful_Woman_Riding_Bus

Well, if you thought malls were a weird place for romance you’re probably checking the headline of the article again.

“is this really an article about places to find a girlfriend?”

And I can assure you, you’re at the right place. Let me show my arguments on public transport:

It’s literally full with many and different people. Chances are you’ll almost never meet the same person twice in public transport (unless you live in a smaller city or something).

Also, not being an actual place with borders or a facility doesn’t mean that you can’t use it.

It’s just something you use while going to other places. That doesn’t mean that you should ignore the people around you. It’s similar to that regard as the coffee shops, where there are a lot people close by. Still, if you see a girl that makes your heart skip a beat, you should definitely go talk to her (mostly because you’ll probably never see her again so this is literally your only real chance).

12. Non-Profit Campaigns

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/volunteering-charity-people-ecology-concept-group-512039878?src=TWeY1HJn7PoN_-eAibkL5A-1-14

Image Name: Woman_Helping_Plant_Trees

This is basically anything that’s connected to volunteering or similar work. Maybe you’re into saving the planet, or cleaner air, or something else (Thank you, this is 100% needed and it’s crucial… now back to the article). Or maybe you just like helping out. Whatever the case, there are a ton of women who also share your visions. Guess what, they’ll also be attending these campaigns and volunteering alongside you.

This is great because you already have this sort of connection with the people around you. On top of that, usually the people in these campaigns are like a mini community. The whole atmosphere is very friendly so it’s only natural to chat and laugh with those around you. Why not spark some romance too if you find someone you like?

All in all, if you find a girlfriend at one of these campaigns or volunteering work, just imagine how awesome that relationship would be.

13. Fandom Events

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/bergamo-italyfebruary-02-2014-stadium-soccer-177118085?src=4myMsybesPp-7l4R2RAoXA-1-10

Image Name: Tons_Of_People_Watching_Football

A fandom is basically the community around a show or a game… basically anything that you’re a fan of.

And there are a ton of fandom events… For example some may join up to watch the newest episode of a series together. Or discuss a video game and its sequel. Or even to just celebrate their passion.

If you’ve ever been to such an event you know it’s awesome.

But let’s stop fanboying over such things for a second and talk about the romantic implication that those places bring. One – you already have something in common with everyone there (you are a fan of the same media). Two – that means that you have a conversation out of nothing, no struggling to come up with what to talk about (like the weather… just don’t – well unless it’s a fandom about something that has to do with clouds and sun I guess).

It’s just a great place to find a girlfriend. And it’s not like you have to go only to find one… you can also just enjoy the event and have fun with your favorite series or games.

14. Anything You’re Passionate About

 Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/young-couple-modern-art-gallery-598462085?src=ESWJwfqgno-imMzoSWg2Ag-1-13

Image Name: Man_And_Woman_Art_Museum

 I’ve kind of been eluding to this from the beginning. If you should take one thing from this article is that the place doesn’t really matter. Yes some places bring a better atmosphere for romance, but that doesn’t mean that you should avoid places that don’t.

The best thing you can do is just go to places you enjoy the most. If you’re passionate about history, go to the museum often. If you’re passionate about art, go to an art gallery. Chances are that you’ll find people exactly like you there, who are also passionate about the same things. And that’s great basis for a solid relationship.

So, all in all, just do whatever you like and be social while you’re at it. That’s one of the easiest and best ways to find a girlfriend.

15. A Word On Online Dating

Image: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/computer-keyboard-keys-symbols-man-woman-143530636?src=OhqMNFhPLFH6Eopl3Jh4sQ-1-3

Image Name: Man_Heart_Woman_Keyboard

Now, I know that I bashed online dating a bit in the intro of the article… but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a good place to find love.

Technology is much more advanced than in the past but that doesn’t mean that this is a bad thing (if it were we wouldn’t be using technology as much… nobody is forcing us, it’s just more convenient). And online dating has its advantages over offline dating.

One advantage is that if you’re on an online dating site or an app, everyone you find there is also looking for what you’re looking for. That sets the communication to a different level. Usually you can skip the ‘do they like me, I should show my intentions someway’ part because it’s basically assumed that both you and the girl you’re chatting with already like each other at least on appearance.

Another advantage is that there isn’t really any pressure online. It’s very comfortable, because you’re doing it from your home or out from your phone and you’re not standing directly in front of the other person.

All in all, online dating is a great tool… if you use it to make offline connections too. So use it, but know that that experience isn’t the goal… it’s just a transition.

And that’s all for this article. Hopefully now you’re more prepared to find a girlfriend by knowing some of the best places to do that.

I have nothing else for you, but to wish you good luck in that endeavor. And remember, it’s not a race or anything… you’ll find her when you find her, just stick to it and be yourself.